Trader Joe’s Traditional French Brie Reviews

(14 customer reviews)

60% butterfat brie imported from eastern France, sold in wedges in the refrigerated cheeses section.


14 reviews for Trader Joe’s Traditional French Brie Reviews

  1. Didi H.

    I LOVE all TJ’s bries (minus the lower fat one), and this is no exception. Cheap and delicious – highly recommend!

  2. s paoli

    This cheese was over ripe. Smells like a dead mouse.

  3. Laure S

    Pretty good cheese at unbeatble price.

  4. Ekayy47

    This was absolutely superior to TJ’s double cream Brie. I’m in love


    Truly an excellent imported Brie worthy of being served in France. Delightful.

  6. Dodie

    Love this cheese!! Trader Joe’s is the best!

  7. Bill Bracey

    This is usually riper and stronger tasting than their other brie. That’s the way I like it.

  8. Banana

    Way too salty. Should have gotten regular Brie.

  9. CheeseFiend

    To me, this is the benchmark for all supermarket stateside bries. Anything less ripe, unctuous, and melt in your mouth with that fantastic mushroom bloom is simply not a true brie. I am very unlucky and have not been to France, but my sisters who have said that this brie is the closest thing they found state side to the real deal.

    This is real cheese worth the calorie bomb and for those who appreciate cheeses that aren’t defiled, tamed and processed into a mild bland nothing.

  10. Cherry

    The ones that wrote the review must be bots. The cheese taste very plasticky. I threw it away.

  11. Andrew

    I love this cheese

  12. Maryann

    If you threw it away, you don’t know Brie. It’s the best.

  13. Weldon

    It’s garbage. Too runny, not a hint of ammonia, which ALL quality Bries possess. Trader Joe’s is a wasteland for Brie. If you like this, your experience with Brie is lacking. I have been to France. This is garbage and so are ALL of the Bries at Trader Joes.

  14. alyssa

    When i bought this it was most likely over ripe or just flat out bad. It was oozing way more than it should have, it REEKED- so much stronger than cheese should. I didn’t think anything of it as I just purchased it straight from the Stroe so I thought it was normal. Flash forward to today– I am having stomach issues and most likely dealing with food poisoning from this nasty brie.

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