My ten year old grandson who is with us quite often loves these little pizzas. There is not meat on them which is good because he do not like meat on his pizzas. TJ’s is no skimpy on the cheese which means I don’t have to had cheese like I have had to do with some frozen pizzas. They are perfect for using in my toaster oven which means the crust comes out crispy and it only takes a few minutes to warm them which is important for a hungry ten year old.
Richard Hime –
My ten year old grandson who is with us quite often loves these little pizzas. There is not meat on them which is good because he do not like meat on his pizzas. TJ’s is no skimpy on the cheese which means I don’t have to had cheese like I have had to do with some frozen pizzas. They are perfect for using in my toaster oven which means the crust comes out crispy and it only takes a few minutes to warm them which is important for a hungry ten year old.