Trader Joe’s This Cranberry Walks into a Bar Reviews

(11 customer reviews)

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11 reviews for Trader Joe’s This Cranberry Walks into a Bar Reviews

  1. Melissa Whalen

    This bar was one of the best flavor of your
    “This “fruit” walks into a Bar! Please please bring it back! It’s tart and sweet yet not overly sweet! Perfect mostness and just so so good!

  2. Cassie

    So good!! It’s the perfect balance of tart and sweet and they’re so addictive! I was SUPER disappointed this year when they didn’t have them.. I asked one of the managers and he said he thinks they were discontinued.. BRING THEM BACK!!!!!!!

  3. Paul

    These are our favorite. We were very disappointed we couldn’r find them this year! Please bring them back!

  4. Gary Figueroa

    As a loyal TJ customer, you wait all year for various “seasonal” items to reappear. This year [2018], the terrific Cranberry Cereal Bar was conspicuously absent from the shelf. Yet another example of the “store” management deciding to discontinue a customer fav. Frankly, if it’s about the priced paid for the raw materials be realistic TJ! Cranberry is not grown on the scale of wheat or corn. The perception of a Buyer staff held to very strict buying guidelines ultimately means the customer will complain. Keep it up and the customer just quits coming.

  5. Laurel Anderson

    Please, please bring these back! By far the best of the series!

  6. Caitlin

    These are my favorite bars! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE bring them back! I ask every year for them at the store.

  7. Sam

    My favorite bar, by far. Having been watching for it, but alas it has not shown up. Bring it back and I’ll buy ’em all!

  8. Shaun Rogers

    These were my favorite, pumpkin ones are my second favorite. Please bring them back!! I can’t believe I’ve been waiting for them and they’re not coming. :’(

  9. rmb

    Like others who have written here, we look forward to these coming back on shelves all year long. I will buy enough to last us 1-2 years!

  10. Jazzy

    I still go to the fruit bar section every year hoping these will return. They are my absolute favorite. I miss them so much. Please bring them back.

  11. Lor

    Me Too… Every year I look for them in hopes they will be there… Absolutely my favorite thing you ever offered…

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